Psalm 121 is today's Scripture from the Upper Room and perfect for you as you begin what will be can amazing journey, I am sure.

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Thank.you for the prayers and encouragement!

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I found the poem I wanted to send you. Maybe you will see the Good Shepherd often on your journey!

On Recognizing the Good Shepherd

I thought I saw you

From a distance,

Your long dark hair shining

In the sunlight on a

Dusty road.

As I ran toward you

The image in front of me


No longer male,

But female,

In flowing skirts

With flowers in your hair.

The wind blew and as the flowers

Fell away

I saw a grandfatherly figure

Hunched over and walking

Oh so slowly with a cane.

I reached out for your hand

And the hand I held

Was warm and smooth and brown.

As I looked up into your eyes

Deep and loving eyes

I saw your colorful scarf

Around your shoulders

With symbols I did not recognize on it

You held me close and

I smelled the incense and sweet perfume

But when I stepped back

I brushed against your beard

And sidelocks and saw your paler skin.

I closed my eyes to pray

And opening them noticed

The veil and headdress

In place of the kippah and beard

And feminine eyes shining back at me

With love.

Good Shepherd,

I seek you every day,

And every day I find you

Sometimes dressed in a sari

Sometimes wearing a kufi on your head,

Sometimes you appear in

Clothing just like mine,

And sometimes I see the fringes

Of your tallit before I see your face.

In all places, in all ways

Your children cross my paths

And I see you shining through them

My prayer, then, must be,

That when the stranger looks into my eyes,

They also see you,

Lifting them in mercy

Covered in your grace,

Walking to seek justice

And looking back in


Amy Vaughan November 26, 2014

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Here's a poem for your travels!


Some look for signs

In red birds

And tea leaves.

Others prefer

Inner signs,

Unexpected courage,

Strength in adversity,

A supernatural calmness.

As for me,

I find in words and


Signs that God is near,

Signs that I should pay attention

To the beauty

Falling at my feet,

To the joy of sunrise and sunset,

The warmth of hot tea shared

With a trusted friend,

The touch of a hand

When I am wandering off the path.

Today, in the midst of trial and trouble,

In the mundane, ordinary steps I take,

I will look for the usual unusual gifts,

And notice those around me.

Perhaps I will be a sign to them

That they, too, are not alone,

On the journey home.

Amy Vaughan April 22, 2016

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Thank you for both of these Amy. Your encouragement means the world.

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"Happy are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion." —Psalm 84:5. Many blessings as you set out!

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Thank you Julie. I will carry these words close.

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“Show me the right path, Oh Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You.” Psalm 25: 4-5

Praying for a safe journey and many unexpected blessings along the way!

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Thank you so very much, Janice. You are such a faithful prayer warrior.

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2Timothy1:7- For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. (For the times when you feel the fear of the unknown while you’re on the road).

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I truly appreciate this. Those fears have started creeping in these last few days. These words are a great refocusing for me.

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Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Praying for you, Jenny!

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So grateful for your prayers and these words. Thank you!

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I can’t wait to keep up with your posts as you go on this remarkable trip! So proud of you!

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Grateful for your always encouraging support.

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Will pray for your journey to bless you in many lovely and surprising ways.

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Thank you dear friend! Grateful for you.

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